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Jam With Michael Angelo

Michael Angelo invented and was the world's first player of the twin-necked, left- and right-handed double guitar which has since become his trademark. He amazes audiences worldwide by playing the guitar either right- or left-handed, or playing both guitars at the same time in harmony, or literally two separate parts and/or melodies at the same time. Now with Jam With Michael Angelo, Total Accuracy have given you the opportunity to take a private lesson with Michael Angelo, and then actually jam with the man himself.

The CD contains 10 Rock Jam Tracks featuring Michael Angelo on guitar, technique tips on speed picking, arpeggios and other aspects of his blistering technical prowess, plus a showcase of Michael's soloing technique as he gives excerpts from each track a full measure of Angelo magic!

Features the following jam tracks: "Dream Up", "Give Me Jimi", "Showtime", "Off And Runing", "Crying Won't Help You Now", "Wishes", "Out Of Bounds", "ZZ's", "Quick Start" and "What I Will And Won't Do".

The booklet includes transcriptions for each backing track, scale choices, chord shapes, warm up exercises and soloing suggestions. Tracks 11-20 of the CD feature soloing examples and tracks 21-30 feature exercises, at both practice and fretburning speed.Rata Tengah


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